Saturday, February 21, 2009

New System for Download = CryptLoad

Instructions to install CryptLoad
  • Go to and download the current version of CryptLoad. See hardware and software requirements!
  • Unpack the downloaded archive with a RAR-able unpacker, e.g. WinRAR (download), into a folder of your choice (e.g. C:\ Program Files \ CryptLoad).
  • Now switch to this folder and execute CryptLoad.exe.
    • Now CryptLoad automatically associates ccf:// URLs and *.ccf Files with itself. If you download an other version of CryptLoad and start it, the associations will be redirected to the version you started last.
The first run

During the program's start, CryptLoad initializes Plugins and other essential components. This can take some moments, depending on your system's power.

Pict. 1: Loading screen

In the end of that process there will be a check for updates of plugins or capcha-methods available on the net.

CryptLoad automatically downloads available updates.





All the filetypes that are listed in "Monitor filetypes", will be noticed by CryptLoads Clip Board Monitor, so that adding links is very comfortible. If you don't want to use your clipboard with CryptLoad, you just can disable this feature by unchecking "Monitor clipboard".

In the 'Extract' section you can configure CryptLoad to unpack your files automatically.

  • If you want your files to be unpacked into a new folder, enable "Extract in new folder".
  • If you unpacked your files sucessfully and you dont need the packages, enable "Delete file when done".
  • If you enable "Reload on CRC error", and a CRC-Error occures CryptLoad tries to download the concerning file again.

In the "Display"-Section you can specify the shown unit. Its recommented to use "Values in MB" (MegaBytes), because it is rare to you to download just some KBs (KiloBytes).



In the "Package path" field you have to set where your packages/parts should be saved. (here: D:\Downloads).

In the "Start" section you can configure CryptLoad to download added links "Immediately" after prior added downloads are finished or to add them as paused to your download list, so that they are skipped if its their turn, and wait for a "Manual" activation.

"Downloadtype" defines your type of account, "Premium" or "Free" user.

Via "RouterControl" you can configure CryptLoad to reconnect your router/modem. This is a option for free users, who otherwise have to wait some time after downloading a file from a hoster.

The rest is selfexplaining - you should better let the configurations "Show package settings" and "Online file check" as they are.


In the "Hoster" section you have to type in your premium account data to use your advantages as a Premium User.

Its recommended as a Free User to specify a Server (Cogent, TeliaSonera, ...), because there have been problems with the automatic selection. If the speed lames, or the server is not available, you can choose a different server here.



In the "Captcha" section you can set recognition methods to decrypt the hosters Captchas.

In the "Programs" section you can set the path to your programs concerning the Captcha-Recognition. These are FineReader or AutoImager. (Notice: They are currently not needed for "" and some other hosters.)

CryptLoad owns a integrated method (AntiCaptcha):

Therefore mark "Use first method". If you additionally set the path to FineReader and/or AutoImager, choose "Majority wins".

If you want CryptLoad to send unrecognized captchas to the CryptLoad Server (to improve the CL Captcha Recognition, or to tell the CL Team that there have been modifications on the captchas), check "Upload not recognized captchas".

Under "TrayTip" you can spcifiy how long the small window, that shows you the Captcha of the current DL, should be shown.



The subitem "Router" concerns the Reconnection of you router/modem. (for fee users)

Here you can specify your "Hardware":

  • Modem - if you are a modem user
  • If your router is listed, click on "Router" and choose yours.

Additionally you have to set the ($ dial up networking name $) or the "IP adress" and your "Login data".

If your router/modem has an own .bat (batch-file), you can set this at "Start file". Further Information –> Instructions for Routers

Under "Reconnect" you generally set if you want to use this feature.

The "Waittime after reconnect in sec" sais how long CryptLoad should wait until starting a download after a reconnect; A router often needs some time to establish a connection (approx. 5 to 10 seconds).

The "Reconnect Methode" (reconnect method) sais how CryptLoad should reconnect. This is relevant if you are using "RouterRecorder" to reconnect.



Under "Settings" –> "sim. Downloads" you can specify how much downloads you want to be done simultaneous. Simultaneous DLs from one hoster only work if you own a premium account. Partially downloads only work with a Premium Account. This allows you to download one file in parts (faster).

"Max. bandwidth in KB/s" defines how much bandwith CryptLoad is allowed to use.

Instructions to install CryptLoad Tags:

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